Vetmobile Housecall Veterinary Service Hospice Care
Vetmobile services include hospice or pawspice care. Veterinary hospice care is focused on maintaining your pet's comfort, not at finding a cure for his or her disease. It is appropriate for your pet if a diagnosis of incurable illness has been made or if further therapy options have been declined and comfort oriented care is desired.
Most of our time with hospice care is devoted to education about your pet's illness and methods of coping with the symptoms. You need to know what to expect in those last few months, weeks, days and hours so you can make the best decisions for you, your pet, and your family. We will help you find a path that will meet your pet's needs and respect your family's wishes.
Hospice care will frequently include: |
Education about the prognosis and end stages of the specific disease
Pain recognition and control
Fluid therapy
Nutritional counseling
Incontinence management
Environmental assessment and modification
Bandage and wound care
Maximizing the Quality of life

Let us help you make all of their days as full of love, life and joy as possible.
When the time comes we can help provide a gentle, stress free end of life passage.
Contact us for all of your pet's end of life needs (507)254-1067